Manchester Settlement’s work would not be possible without the support of the funding we obtain through contracts, trust funds and individual donations.
Any donation or funding that we receive can either be restricted, whereby the donor requires that the donation is used for a particular purpose, or unrestricted whereby the donor allows the funds to be used within the general purpose of the charity as expressed in its approved charitable aims.
Our current fundraising objectives and campaigns are at a number of different levels
1) Individual Unrestricted Donations (e.g., funding that will contribute to any of the above at the charities discretion, subject to auditor approval.
2) Individual Restricted Donations (e.g.. For ICT, Books, Trips, Achievement Awards, to fund particular courses or projects, or to fund core charity administration and premises costs )
3) Long term fundraising
Current Fundraising Campaigns
Openshaw Peoples Yard
We are seeking commercial partners to help us to bring to life the Peoples Yard - Communuity Events Space at the rear of our building

Open Door Befriending Project
We are currently raising funds so that we are able to continue delivering our telephone befriending service. We were able to access emergency COVID funding to establish this servie, but need to continue the servie to meet the needs of high numbers of isolated adults that are being referred to us. The service is staffed by volunteers, but needs to be coordinated to ensure that everyone stays safe.